Create contractor payment checks, 1099-Misc, 1099-R forms by the thousands using Excel data upload or one check or one form at a time by online manual entry with total flexibility and convenience. Simply create an account and start right now. Find out more

Search, view, edit, print and e-File easily. You can generate a batch of PDF copies for easy printing. Make corrections, reprint and create PDF copies anytime. e-File the 1099 data to the IRS when you are ready. Find out more

After the forms have been efiled to the IRS and States, you can still make changes easily by creating 1099 corrections online. You can print the forms for distribution and file the corrections electronically to the IRS. 1099Manager.com is a full featured tool for you to manage contractors, prepare payment checks and 1099 forms easily and efficiently. Find out more
- Create, print payment checks and consolidate into 1099-NEC / 1099-MISC forms for contractors (non-employees).
- Prepare, print, edit and re-print 1099-NEC / 1099-MISC or 1099-R forms and e-File to the IRS.
- Prepare 1099 corrections anytime, print for distribution and e-File to the IRS.